
Lessee… What’ve we been up to? Jin had his 100th day celebration. There was much food and many friends, and everything was awesome.

Work’s going well – busy, but good. Productive. Some weird twists and turns on the new game that we’re making – mostly conceptual – but I think it’s going to be really strong. If we can pull it off, it’ll be epic.

Jin’s well. Healthy, happy – 95th percentile for height, 75th for weight. So he’s a skinny little bugger (despite his chipmunk cheeks), but well within normal parameters.

We’re now putting him to sleep in a crib that sits next to the bed. I was apparently waking him up a lot in my sleep. We’ve also gone back to swaddling him, since one of the reasons he wakes up the most is he keeps punching himself in his sleep.

He slept a pretty long uninterrupted stretch last night, and so tonight, hopefully he’ll do the same, and we’ll be able to get some solid sleep.

Been playing a game called Chime, which has actually dragged me away from Mass Effect 2 – it’s a music puzzler – a mix of Tetris & Lumines – that’s surprisingly addictive. The interaction with the music’s excellent, the puzzle mechanics are great, and it’s only $5. Better still, $3 of your purchase goes to charity.

And while I’m directing you to buy stuff, you should also pick up the This American Life iPhone app. For $3, you get streams of every show ever, and a whole bunch of extras and ways to search the content. It goes to support the show, so if you’ve ever listened to it, just get the damned thing already. Also – Ira Glass is apparently Phillip Glass’s cousin. Which provides the thematic connection, as Phillip Glass’s music is in Chime.


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