Two Types of Leaders

I’ve generally found when people come into some level of power, they fall into one of two distinct camps.

I think to some degree, everyone has a bad manager at some point in their career. Someone who yells at them, doesn’t support them, makes them to things they should be doing, takes credit for their work, whatever.

Camp 1 are the people who decide, “When I get power, I’m never going to let the people who work for me go through the kind of crap I went through.”

Camp 2 are the people who think, “Now it’s my turn.”

I’ve worked with a *surprising* number of Camp 2 folks, and it’s universally an awful experience. The crazy thing is how *easy* it is to be a Camp 2 person. These are folks who hear about voice actors arguing for royalties and saying, “Well none of US get royalties so fuck them,” instead of “Yeah, it would be great if we all benefited from the hard work we put in, we should fight alongside them!”

They’re folks who say, “I paid my dues.” They’re folks who say, “It’s always been like this.” The cycle of abuse, I believe, perpetuates by *default*.

It takes a lot of thought, a lot of effort, and a lot of conscious dismantling of ingrained expectations and reactions to create something better for others that you *didn’t get to experience for yourself*. But the result is that you make things *better* for people. You can take a terrible industry and make it *good*. Maybe even great.

Don’t be someone who takes the easy way out. Don’t be someone who perpetuates abuse and unfairness because you were lucky enough to cross over the other side of the equation.

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