Every society that becomes more inclusive becomes better at stuff.
It’s not rocket science. The more people you empower, the more likely you are to find brilliance. If you exclude women, you cut 50%+ of the population, lowering your odds to find brilliance. If you make your workplace hostile to people of color, queer folks, etc., you dramatically lower your odds to find brilliance.
It doesn’t even really matter *how* you define brilliance, unless to you, brilliance is literally homogeneity. Your odds get way worse. If you’re a company trying to live on the cutting edge of anything, where the number of people who can make outsized impacts is already relatively limited? You’re *dead*.
Globally, look at all the repressive regimes across the world that exclude huge swaths of their populations. How many are leaders in innovation? None.
So if your company isn’t providing opportunities at ALL levels for everyone to be engaged and contribute and lead, you’re trashing your opportunity to be the best organization you can be.
There are tons of *other* reasons that building a representative/diverse/welcoming/inclusive organization matters. But if you want a simple argument? It’s just a numbers game.
Every person you exclude is an advantage you’re handing your competition.