Play the Refs Until You Win

I wonder if what the left needs to do to become effective again is to basically bitch and whine until it’s so. I was looking at, and their “quickpolls” are always either biased towards conservative-appealing answers, or they’re so vague that they’re completely worthless as even unscientific polls. And I thought, you know, the reason they’re set up that way is that right wingers bitch and whine whenever there’s a poll like, “Is Bush as dumb as he looks?” and the response is 90%/10%.

So, CNN simply doesn’t ever put up polls like that, because they fear the whiny, bitchy right wing backlash. But when completely inane polls like, “Did you find President Bush’s Inaugural Speech Inspiring?” go up, no lefties send them irate hatemail saying, “Christ, that’s a fucking stupid poll question,” because it’d be a whiny, bitchy thing to do, and really not worthy of anyone’s time, as an individual cause. But the right wingers don’t give a shit about the big picture – they’ve gotta have everything their way. So, they’re crazy/stupid enough to actually take time out of their day to scream “bias” even where none exists.

So, while you can have lefty think tanks, and whatever, it seems to me that really, what the left needs to do to really change the dynamic in the media is just become the most obnoxious, petty shits you can imagine, and make sure the media *knows* that every single time they run anything even remotely favorable about the right wing (we’re not talking neutrality here, that wouldn’t be enough. We’re talking “complete shutout”) there will be a really vituperative, obnoxious campaign mounted against them for even uttering the words “Iraq invasion” and “democracy” in the same sentence.

Yes. I know it’s awful. I’d rather not have anything to do with it at all. But is there *anything* on the left’s side that’s even remotely as effective as this sort of activity on the right?

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