that puts the ass back in grass

grass pollen. Man. That was *brutal*. Basically, spent the whole day with swollen eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing constantly. My eyes couldn’t focus, I could barely stay awake, and basically spent the better part of the day just wanting to lie down and die.

Fortunately, Ei-Nyung was able to leave a little early, and we got home and got some sushi from Geta (she was also nice enough to go pick up dinner). Tossed in Medal of Honor: European Assault – a huge step up for the series, to be quite honest. Not a real mindblowing game, necessarily, and the squad AI is frustratingly dumb – running out into open clearings, etc. in the middle of firefights, in a game that really requires the judicious use of cover. Still – all in all, a pretty fun first level, which was all I got to before feeling like crap made me quit. Also got Destroy All Humans! from a coworker who’s got a contact at THQ. I now owe him a favor, or $20, but we’ll see. Probably give that game a whirl this weekend.

Spent part of the evening cleaning up the living room, which was almost unlivable. Not really sure what I ended up throwing out, but it was a reasonable amount of crapulence. And then killed an hour watching Top Gear, which is now (hallelujah!) broadcast after Mythbusters on Discovery. They’re basically re-editing last year’s segments into a new series, but hell, I’m just glad to have it on TV – hopefully more exposure means that put it on more, and start airing it simultaneously in the US. I kinda doubt that, because a lot of the segments are very British – Stars in a Reasonably Priced Car, for instance, often has people I’ve never heard of – and the “news” is always very local. So, alas – I doubt that’ll make it on TV in the US. But still, glad to see it.

Hm. Not much else – work’s crazy-assed hectic right now, and we’ve essentially only got a week ’till everything has to be functionally at “alpha” which gives me a week to do two objects, and finish both the food effects and social mode. That’ll be “fun.”


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