“This Team is Great!”

Whenever I’m on a team, I think, “Man, this team is *great*. So many wonderful world-class people!” Even when there are problem folks. No team is perfect, but I’ve had a lot of really deeply pleasurable working experiences, and at almost every job, I’ve ended up making a few lasting friends.

And while I’m normally not a super outgoingly optimistic guy, I think whenever I hear, “This team is the best I’ve ever worked with!” or “This is the best team in the world!” there’s part of me that thinks, “Look, not every team is the best, how good could this one be? It’s clearly not the best in the world,” but a much bigger part of me is really happy for them.

Because a lot of teams are great. A lot of *people* are great to work with. And when you find them, they’re so joyous and uplifting and pleasurable and energizing to be around that yeah, it feels like you really can’t get any better than that.

But that comes with a downside – if this team is this good, will I ever have an experience like this again? Sometimes that can trap you in a situation that is no longer the right one for you. But the answer is, “look around”. Look at all the folks touting how wonderful their teams are. They’re *right*. They’re *all* right.

So when your team, or your circumstance, *isn’t* right for you, it’s okay to move on. It’s okay to leave a great team of (probably mostly) great people in search of the next thing for you. And you’re *probably* going to love the team you move to, and will one day think, “This is the best team I’ve ever worked with.”

New can be scary. For those of us who are socially a bit on the reserved side, it can be a really big challenge. But I think if you look out there among your peers, you’ll find a lot of people have found jobs with *wonderful* teams and excellent coworkers.

When one day you decide you need to make the leap, you almost certainly will, too.

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