Busy Weekend…

Saturday morning, we ripped out all the existing plants in one of the dirt patches by the sidewalk (there’s sort of house-side lawn, and street-side lawn, and this was one of the two pieces of street-side lawn). This took about two hours (we’d torn out the bulk of it the Tuesday prior), and since it’d rained lightly on Friday, it was actually pretty trivial to do. Then, we went clothes shopping, food shopping, and cooked up some citrus soy/ginger marinated salmon, ATK southwest-style marinaded tri tip skewers, and a buttload of veggies for about eight peeps that came over ostensibly to see Oldboy. But, since the showing of Oldboy was at like, 9:50, we settled on watching Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… Spring instead.

Oog. There’s a movie with some really memorable imagery. I liked it, and it really affected me, but it sits very uneasily with me, and even after talking about it for a good long while with Ei-Nyung, I can’t really put a solid finger on *what* it is specifically that makes me feel this way. Definitely recommended viewing, but I imagine it’s not for everyone.

A bunch of people came over, including one person I haven’t seen in a year +, so that was nice. Also got some multiplayer Lumines on, and wow – there’s a game where your skill rapidly degrades after a week of not playing it. Fun stuff, though.

Sunday, we did more gardening, combing through the area for rocks, turning all the soil with one of these four-pronged manual tiller things. My back and arms are a little sore, but a little exercise was definitely good for me. We ended up pulling out probably a cubic foot of stones, which was pretty insane, given that the space is only maybe 6×3′ total. Still, it’s definitely stripped, we covered it with a black sheet of plastic, and “stapled” it into the ground. We’ll leave that for a couple weeks, then ideally, plant some ground cover.

The current candidate is Irish moss, and we’re seeing whether that will grow on a small patch on the house-side patch of lawn. If it sticks, we’ll use that. Otherwise, next week we’ll go grab some other ground cover, and give that a shot. Definitely satisfying work, and the visible progress is huge. Of course, at the rate we’re going, it’ll take us two months of working every weekend for about five hours to do the whole front lawn, and that’s an *optimistic* assessment. Whoo.

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