Voice Actors in Games Demand Residuals

My response to this article: Fuck you, game voice actors. Fuck you. You come to work for a few fucking days, and want residuals on your work? Go to hell. You’ll get your residuals *after* I get mine, after everyone who worked as a developer gets theirs. You want residuals for a fucking day’s worth of line reading, when I’m busting my ass for years?

Eat shit and die, motherfuckers.


  1. Arka Roy says:

    I fully agree with you Seppo.

    Games are not exactly the road to software riches for the vast majority of people in the field. It is shortsighted to ignore the dedicated programmers, designers and artists slaving away for two years to get a title to market.

    I think a lot of good smart hardworking people will be seriously pissed-off if some voice actor waltzes in for a few hours in the studio and ends up getting royalty checks.

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