Take 2

Well, whatever that trip to the ER cost me before, that’s been doubled. On the advice of the advice nurse I called today, when my coughing was going like gangbusters, I went back to the ER, and saw another doc, who this time, prescribed a steroid in pill form, and a steroid inhaler, on top of the Albuterol the previous ER doc gave me, which is sort of an “emergency” bronchial dilator. So, now I’ve apparently got the proper meds to begin making progress against this thing, but apparently, the steroids will take about a day to kick in.

So… another night of more of the same. Color me unenthused.


  1. Angry Chad says:

    That sucks man. I know what you’re going through. I used to get that asthmatic bronchitis crap all the time when I was younger, when my mom used to smoke 😐

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