some days are better than others…

Some days, you get a bunch of productive stuff done, you feel good about yourself, and you’ve made your world a better place to be. Some days, things go wrong, stuff gets broken, or you find out that things are maybe worse than you thought they were.

The Mini’s exhaust disconnected from the manifold. This had happened before, but wasn’t all that big a deal. This time, it’s because the flange on one of the pipes broke, rather than because the clamp had come loose. That’s bad news.

The last of the south facing windows now has a confirmed leak. I know it hasn’t rained in ages, but this is the first time I’ve seen clear evidence that the window was leaking. It’s hard to spot, and you need just the right lighting conditions, which is why it took so long to see, but it’s definitely leaking.

My grandparents’ credenza, which has a *lot* of sentimental value to me, on top of being a very nice credenza, now has a big, black water stain on it from a plant that one of my housemates had been watering, whose pot was cracked, letting water leak out onto the top surface.

I’m thinking that perhaps today’s a day to touch or interact with as little as possible, lest other weird crap happen that would either break, or illustrate that something’s been broken. Just doesn’t look like it’s as good a day as it ought to be.

I was considering going under the house to see if I could hook up the electricity into this room (we’re currently still running this room off the old circuit), but holy shit I’m staying as far away from THAT as possible. Yatz.

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