
I would make an absolutely terrible politician. Dealing with a small batch of random work politics is nearly making my head explode, and I just feel terrible all around, even though there’s nothing actually really *bad* happening, no one’s being backstabbed, or anything of that nature. Just weird, because basically, we had some *really* nasty political nonsense earlier in this project, and this, on the surface, feels similar.

There’s a couple other people on the team who, I think, could fill this role quite admirably. One might jointly end up doing this thing with me, which is fine, and the other might not. It would be weird if we all went to these meetings – hell, it might even be strange with two – sort of redundant. Not that I have a problem with it, but I don’t have a problem with all three of us going, either. Gah.

So, it’s strange, trying to juggle the various repercussions of this sort of “office politics,” and trying to mitigate the various disappointments and expectations that people have, versus practicality, efficiency, etc.

Makes my head spin, and I cannot imagine how people deal with this sort of crap on a day-to-day basis.



  1. hapacheese says:

    Heh… You’d love my job.

    One of the big parts of my job is to essentially manage the inter-departmental politics *across three continents*. Fun times, I tell you.

    But, like I told you before, there is no backstabbing going on, and politics will just melt away if you do the job well. As long as you’re not lording it over other people and you “keep it real” (i.e. have malt liquor), people should maintain their respect for you.

    Unlike me and ei-nyung. 😀

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