Getting Older

Birthday today. Got up really early this morning (6:30) for no particular reason at all. Ei-Nyung made me a wonderful omelette, accompanied by one of the extra pancakes I’d made Tuesday, and frozen. Weird getting up that early, frankly, but made for a nice, leisurely morning experience.

Work was work, whatever, except that mid-day, I got a small, lovely flower arrangement from Ei-Nyung. Really brightens up my desk.

In the evening, we went to Chez Panisse with my mom, which we just got back from. A spectacular meal, all told. I’ll write more about that tomorrow. Joe & Uyen cleaned up the garage, which was … astonishing. I mean, the garage was really full of stuff, and to have created as much space as they did was just a monstrous feat. Truly awesome. 😀

Ei-Nyung did all sorts of things today to make me feel good – she’s really quite the catch! I suppose I’ve known that for many years now, but it’ll be good to finally reel her in for good next month. Bwahahahaa.


  1. ei-nyung says:

    Ei-Nyung did all sorts of things today to make me feel good – she’s really quite the catch! I suppose I’ve known that for many years now, but it’ll be good to finally reel her in for good next month.

    The fishing metaphor doesn’t scare me as long as it doesn’t go the route of: “Then I’m going to clean & scale her, then make a delicious sashimi!”

    I’m glad you had a good birthday! 🙂 You are the best!

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