
So, made the ride home in about 35 minutes. Took a slightly longer, but flatter route home, and it was pretty quick. Given that I’m currently absolute crap on the hills, this was probably actually a faster route overall. Yeah, the last uphill to the house is murder on me right now, but at least I made it to the top.

I think maybe the saddle I’ve got is ok, the problem right now is that it’s pushed too far forward, and because the wider part of it is hitting the insides of my thighs, it’s quite uncomfortable. I think this is easily fixed by just pulling it back a bit. Right now, the riding position is *so* far forward that a lot of my weight is sitting on my hands. The other problem is that for some idiot reason, I’ve got GripShift-length handlebar padding, which puts the transition from padding to no padding right in the middle of my hand, coincidentally exactly where the DS’s corners hit my palms, and makes my hands go numb. Which is good, I suppose, since I’m putting a lot of my body weight on ’em. Whee.

So, definitely got some adjusting to do, but it’s actually really nice to be able to ride to work. I’m hoping that I can make this a MWF thing, though I’d suspect that if I can do MW then that’s as much as I can currently hope for. T/TH are currently YMCA evenings, so that would get me up to 4 workouts a week again (we fell of the boat after the honeymoon, and have currently only been going 2-3 times a week).

Honestly, if I can force myself to cycle to work even marginally regularly, this’ll go a huge way towards getting me back in shape.

I wish I could muster up that sort of positive feeling about work, but it’s just not there right now. It doesn’t feel like a challenge. Hopefully that’ll change soon, but damn…


  1. h says:

    Horray for biking to work! (I need to finish putting my kevlar lined tires back on my bike so I can bike to/from the Caltrain instead of taking the bus.)

    I’m sorry that work is uninspiring.

    I’m sorry this comment is also uninspiring.

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