
Ah, moving. Hate it, love it. On one hand, it’s a huge pain in the ass, turns the house upside down, everything looks like crap, and there’s no usable space. On the other hand, you’re taking space that was being used poorly, and at least starting to use it better, if not well.

Ei-Nyung’s needed space to use the sewing machine I got her for Christmas, and after getting the MacBook, I haven’t needed as much space for “computing.” As a result, the whole notion of having an “office” wasn’t really making sense, ’cause I wasn’t spending any time in there, and Ei-Nyung stays on the couch when she works from home. So… yeah. What we *did* need was a guest room, ’cause we get enough people happening over and such that it actually made sense to keep an extra bedroom at the ready.

So, I spent most of the day today moving stuff from the “office” to the downstairs, where there was potentially at one point going to be a kitchen, but since we never actually ended up splitting the upstairs and downstairs completely, we’ve never actually pulled the water and gas feeds out of the wall.

So, it’s an area that’s very well lit, that has a lot of electrical outlets… Perfect for a “hobby” room. So, I’ve moved my music equipment downstairs, Ei-Nyung’s sewing stuff, and my old PC into that area.

The “guest room” is going to basically have a lot of bookshelves, a bed, my old Sony TV, and the xbox. Good times.

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