Burnout Revenge

Both a game title, and my current state of mind. I’m three races from completing Burnout Revenge with all gold medals, and it’s driving me absolutely batshit crazy. The requirements are insanely difficult, and as good as the control is in Burnout, these last few challenges are tuned in such a way that the difficulty actually outstrips the precision of the game’s control. That is, there’s *no way* that I would regularly be able to complete this challenge at the gold level repeatedly. No f’ing way. Too much is left to chance, and it’s extraordinarily frustrating.

I’ve gotten to the point where instead of cursing at the screen, I’m saying things like:

“My, my! That’s delightful!”

“Wow! That’s the *perfect* place for me to crash!”

“Isn’t it AWESOME that a random glitch in the game would make me fall through the level geometry on my best run ever? ISN’T IT WONDERFUL!??!?!”

I really had a mind to take the disc out of the tray and break it in two. The problem is that so close to the end, I really want to finish it. I want the pain to be *OVER*. I don’t want to walk away from it, I want to DESTROY it.

The other part of me wants to break the disc in two, book a flight to London, and stab the person who tuned these levels to death with the shards of the disc.


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