
So, week after next, I have a week off, and no real plans for anything specific. I want to finish painting the roof of the car, and I have weeding in the front yard that has to be done. But what I was thinking I might do is sleep only when I want to. That is, rather than sleeping from ~1:30-8, which is about what I’m doing these days, I’ll sleep when I’m tired, and not when I’m not. So, rather than going to bed at 1:30, I’ll go to bed when I’m actually at a point where I could fall asleep almost instantaneously, then stay up until I feel that way again.

I’m curious whether a 24-hour cycle is “right” for me, because it really doesn’t feel like it – I feel like I’m on more like a 30-hour cycle, and every couple nights have to either force myself to go to sleep, or force myself to wake up.

Anyway – I might give it a try.


  1. hapacheese says:

    Actually, I think they did experiments at some point that resulted in the theory that people are actually on a 25 hour clock… Not sure how truthful that is, but I read it in one of my psychology text books back in college.

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