Treacherous Waters

Today was exhausting. One of the most oddball aspects of my new position at work is that I end up talking to people to try to resolve problems, instead of just stewing in my own. This morning was the beginning of a festival – no – a carnival of misunderstanding, miscommunication, and confusion. It took almost all day to sort through, on top of a regular sort of workday workload, and though it only involved five conversations, working through it spanned about six hours, and wore me out.

It’s a strange thing. I had a lot of the same sort of tiredness, back when I was working at Maxis, simply because of the strain of the work. At the time, again, the actual *content* of the work wasn’t all that impressive. Mostly involved poking around in the develoment tools and Excel, and making sure all the edge cases for a couple systems worked properly. The kicker was that I was working on three completely different, completely unrelated systems at once, and keeping them all sorted was such a mindfuck that by about 2pm every day, I was completely blown out. Yeah – on a good day, I was good for about four hours of solid work before my brain just completely shut down in protest.

Sounds lame, I know. Talking to a couple people, navigating some hairy politically charged situations – more or less anyone’s normal workday. Bleah. Ah, well. Suck it up, learn to deal, move on. On the positive side, it looks like by the end of the day, confusion was largely clarified, the individuals involved dealt with the issues at hand, and most is well heading into a new day.

Definitely learning a lot, which is fun.

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