
So… what’s up these days, anyway?

1.) Car: The paint job on the car’s basically stalled – I’ve probably legitimately got two full coats to go, with an additional two edging coats. It’s not a huge amount of work, but work’s been really tiring recently, and I just haven’t had it in me to actually spend the time to finish it up. I’ll knock it down next week for sure.

2.) Work: Nothing much going on, really. The good thing is…

3.) Time Off: I have next week off. I’ll knock down the car paint job, and I’d like to do something else with the time as well – something I wouldn’t be able to do otherwise. I was thinking maybe I would try to make a path in the back yard, and do some weeding in the front yard. Not terribly impressive, but whatever.

4.) Games: Finished Bioshock – the game was pretty extraordinary. Without giving anything away, it was 95% awesome – the problem is the 5% that failed to follow up on that initial 95% was so obviously absent that it really felt … missing. Great game, great structure, and it really has something to say about games. To me, it’s easily the best statement about interactivity in games that I’ve ever seen. Super Puzzle Fighter HD is coming out tomorrow, which I’m pretty psyched for.

Other than that… yeah, I dunno. Not a hell of a lot else going on.

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